Sunday, 26 May 2013

Bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan

Assalamualaikum semua...

Harini nak cerita sikit lah apa yg lia rasa amat bermakna yg lia belajar selama beberapa hari ni...
start dari 2 minggu lepas my life has been super hectic, keje duk depan laptop je..bukan main game eh, buat assignment (main sikit adelah release tension je.hehehe) assignment bukan melambak2..
otak aku pon menggelegak je..hati pon kadang panas je macam lava gunung berapi tu sbb geram + stress xpaham2 lecturer nak suh kita buat ape utk assignment.. nanges? xyah cakap lah dah boleh kalah dah cite jepun 1 liter of tears tu sbb aku nanges, 1 gallon of tears kot asenye..bukan sbb cengeng or whatever u call it lah. sbb terlalu stress and emotion pon jd macam roller coaster..seriously, jgn berani lah nak ckp u know what i feel..haha..berangan gangster sket.. mmg susah kot.lagi2 buat assignment law..seminggu kot aku makan, tido, mandi dgn law..hahaa (tipu sgt lah tu kan) tp mmg steghesss lah sgt2..siap mesg papa kt ngadu2 macam2...papa pon tenangkan lah his one and only princess ni..bila papa dah pujuk2 bg nasihat ni aku plak bertambah2 homesick..waaaaaaa....xpelah..sabo2

anyway, next is assignment Accounting and Taxation pulak..yg due esok..Taxation xde hal lah sbb groupmate ok je..dpt groupmate mmg terbaik lah ngn dyorg..Tim and Mei..mmg best..alhamdulillah...yg accounting ni ha..bukan groupmate tak ok, thankful sgt2 dpt dy as groupmate. but the problem starts bila dy ajak kawan dy join kitorg nye discussion skali and kawan dy dari HK pulakkkk... jd mereka pon berbual lah Cantonese like a boss depan aku..xpe2 mentang2 aku ni xpandai berbahasa Cantonese or Mandarin..siaplah..aku pandai nnt aku shoot balik.. i feel offended kot..rasa dyorg cam rude sgt.. 150 juta kali aku ckp "I don't understand what u guys are talking about"..dyorg buat duno je..muka stress gak sbb xreti nak explain in english..adoi..come on lah..english aku pon bersepah gak..broken sana boleh je make the effort ckp english..sbb ni australia lah..camne leh blaja sini lau sepatah ayat english pon xleh sbut..jd i end up ternganga je tgk drama Cantonese..syok tak? eh syok lah drama kot..xpelah..sabo2..

cite paling latest and masih hangat aku join HBF RUN..with my housemates Alice, Sandra, Christine and Rebekah + Raymond (not my housemate) ..marathon 12km join category walkers je..tak larat lah nak lari 12km..dlu time kat sekolah 400m pon nak putus nyawa dah..along the way jalan tu skali mentadabur alam lah jugak...melihat gelagat2 peserta2 yg join..macam2..what i respect the most is, even ada sorg participant ni buta kot..join 12km walk dgn berpautkan tgn kawan dy..mmg respect lah..pastu ada jgk parents bwk stroller baby, tolak stroller bersama anak2 join the walk..pheww.mmg best lah..people yg dress up mcm2..pakai 'tutu' mcm ballerina tu, pakai red indian, pink wig, bwk balloons, baju pikachu, etc..mcm2..sgt fun year nak join lagi lah insyaAllah... so kitorg abes that 12km around 2hours 46 mins..hahaha...berzaman gak kan...nak tau sbb pe? sbb kitorg jalan2 berhenti 10 kali sekejap sbb amek gmbr..hohohoho...

pastu abes je marathon dyorg nak g makan roast duck..aish..aku mane leh mkn kat restaurant cina..xhalal..pastu cari punya cari xjumpa kedai tu..last2 dyorg g makan kat kedai Vietnam..aku duk saje lah mula2..pastu tetiba dpt call dr Ashman mintak list nama participants Walympics minggu lepas..aduyai..aku pon rush lah balik...nek blue cat pastu nek bas smpai Vickery House pastu siap ari2 ag..g marathon x lari.nak rush g event berlari bagai..smpai sakit kaki kot..amek barang trus rush g kat carpark sbb duwe ngn ashman ngh tggu.. duwe bwk keta cam ribut.. smpai kat carpark curtin stadium, nak masuk parking, ya Allah! sikit lagi nak accident....aku dah jerit kuat sgt lam keta..astaghfirullah..mujur Allah selamatkan kami..mmg scary sgt2 ok..

turun2 keta dyorg kata dah abes bg medal sume..frust sgt..kesian duwe sbb dy pengarah project kot tp xde time closing..maaf sgt2 so sorry..='(
while walking to them, they were all smiling and all..tiba2 dyorg dok congratulate aku..."congrats alia"
and i was like..huh?? monolog dlm hati " aritu main badminton dpt telur ayam je aku, dyorg ni perli aku ke ape?" pastu katie ckp, "eh alia, congrats, u won the lucky draw!!!" huh?? seriously? ya Allah, mmg rezeki sgt2..lama dah kot try ucky draw nak menang xdpt2.. mujur the sponsor for the lucky draw xbalik i walked to Michael and took a picture with the prize with him then he handed me the prize of course..oh my..aku senyum sikit punya lebar...happy sgt kot..rasa berbaloi all the rushing that i went through...and guess what is the prize...ipad mini!! alhamdulillah syukur nikmat..segala puji bagi Allah... tp segan kot pastu sbb sume org duk usik2 aku..adoi..segan2...aku buat tak tahu and duk ngn ashman kira duit..sorry lah korg..bukan xnak layan..segan yg teramat sgt td..

abes event ashman tlg anta g building 407 sbb nak jumpa ngn Kylie sbb nak anta assignment accounting yg due esok kul 9 pagi..pergi kat building tu, skali sume pintu kunci..aish mmg terbaik lah...submit besok pagi buta lah jawabnya..last2 kitorg decide nak balik je...smbil jalan balik tu adoi, baru kaki nak terasa sakit..mmg sakit sgt..urat blkg lutut belah kanan macam kena tarik..jd aku pon balik berjalan mcm org mujur xmuscle cramp..alhamdulillah...

haaa, maka abeslah cerita aku utk entry kali ni..harap tak serik lah baca..xtau lah tajuk kena ke tak ngn isi..secara tersiratnya dah kena dah bila baca entry ni, cuba analyse skali isi2 tersiratnya ye...heheh...masing2 pandai dah mesti boleh nye...oklah..tata...thanx for reading..byeee

p/s: masih berfikir utk buat novel ni..haha..berangan ape boleh life is full of drama smpai rasa kena compile kot baru boleh simpan lama..hohoho..

Monday, 20 May 2013

Supplements miracle...God wills

Hi guys,

It's almost midnight now. haha. but i'm still bouncing of the walls..=)
earlier today I had a badminton tournament (which my team didn't win). after the tournament my right arm was in super2 pain. i can hardly lift my hand. i even tried sleeping to get rid of the pain, but unfortunately it didn't work =(. so I shouted for help coz I really2 need to use my hand pronto to study for my quiz, and Yuni Phanganswered my shout. lol. she asked me to take the "PAIN COCKTAIL" which is 6 tangkuei + 4 herbalifeline + 4 xtracal.. but i only took 4 tang kuei since i'm not going to bed yet. guess what........
in LESS than 1 HOUR, my arm is starting to get better and I can use it to study my quiz now.. i'm loving the products more and more...

Hi guys, 

It's almost midnight now. haha. but i'm still bouncing of the walls..=)
earlier today I had a badminton tournament (which my team didn't win). after the tournament my right arm was in super2 pain. i can hardly lift my hand. i even tried sleeping to get rid of the pain, but unfortunately it didn't work =(. so I shouted for help coz I really2 need to use my hand pronto to study for my quiz, and @[612629090:2048:Yuni Phang] answered my shout. lol. she asked me to take the "PAIN COCKTAIL" which is 6 tangkuei + 4 herbalifeline + 4 xtracal.. but i only took 4 tang kuei since i'm not going to bed yet. guess what........
in LESS than 1 HOUR, my arm is starting to get better and I can use it to study my quiz now.. i'm loving the products more and more...


Monday, 13 May 2013

Dunia ibarat papan gelongsor dan hati ibarat roller coaster...


hari ni nak bg short entry je sbb assignment bnyk sgt...haritu i cried a lot ..sbb stress assignment, homesick, etc. macam2 lah..biasalah..dah susah2 stress baru lah nak rindu lebih2 kat family kan..time hore-hore tak kabo pule...haa, gtu le..tiba daku terasa dunia macam gelongsor kat playground tu..alah...yg budak2 suka main tu...yg xbrape nak budak dah pun berebut nak main...kenapa macam gelongsor ek?..sbb kadang2 duk kat bawah nak panjat tangga naik atas, bila dah duk atas nak gelongsor turun pulak..dah turun nak naik balik..macam tu lah aku rasa..dan bila duk turun naik tu, hati pon berbolak-balik dgn bisikin2 halus mencucuk2 hati ni..adoiiii!!! tak salah nak down kadang2, tp kena up balik cepat2. pesanan buat diri sendiri dan utk mereka yg rasa pesanan ni bermakna...

*motif pakai gelongsor? sbb sume org asyik pakai roda je.aku nak special sikit pakai gelongsor..hehehe

p/s: bila hati tu rasa mcm naik roller coaster, bacalah ayat ni k
'Yaa Muqallibal Quluub, Tsabbit Qalbi ‘Ala Diinik' - Ertinya: “Wahai Dzat yang membolak-balikkan hati, teguhkan hati kami di atas agama-Mu.”
'Yaa Muqallibal Quluub, Tsabbit Qalbi ‘Ala Ta'atik'- Ertinya: “Wahai Dzat yg membolak-balikan hati teguhkanlah hatiku diatas ketaatan kepadamu”